Thursday, January 12, 2012

NYE !!

I know its abit late to update about my NYE.. Accept me as a fail blogger !!!

This new year's eve is one of the busiest day in my life ! As i mentioned at the last few post, i was having practical in housekeeping department that day. I was so happy that day because it was my last day there and i wont have to go and make bed on the next day and onwards ! BUT.... the bad news is, i need to clean 38 rooms that day ! SIGH !!!

Pics taken on the LAST DAY !! <3

# Oh yeah !

After that,
 i went to do part time for banquet. I was already very exhausted from housekeeping but still i try my best to work, since its my last day =')
BUT unfortunately , the floor was very slippery that day and many people slipped and fell down.
Me as one of the victim , cut my hand T_T because i was holding a jud and the jug broke when i fell... then my hand was lying on the broken glass, and yet was cut... Thank god its not serious ! =)

After that,
Here comes the fun part ! WOOHOO!
I went to BCCK for a countdown party ! The deco ,the atmosphere , the performers was great !

The Xmas deco <3

Luv it and we had a great nite <3
And here are the photos !


 With the college gangs

 With my girls <3

 Yeshhh... as usual... in the washrooms again !

I was abit too happy that nite.. maybe alcohol helps?
I can't stop smiling ><

There's actually more pics but failed to upload it and i dunno why -.-

After that ,
we went to one of my frens house for sleepover !
But after the countdown it was already late and everyone are tired and blur already ... so instead of staying awake like we used to , we went to bed instead .. LOL
too bad i was so blur that i forgot to take photos =(

I had a enjoyable nite and i totally miss it !
Next stop , CNY !!!!


Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Has Arrived !

                             # taken at new years eve during countdown.^^

Its a new year now, and its the famous 2012 !!
Don't really know what will happen this year because it is like the 2nd day right now ..But i've received alotsa rumours about the tragedy that will happen in this 2012...And my greatest fear will be the few days darkness without electricity that will happen this year... Dunno whether its true onot but i can't believe wad will happen to me surviving in DarkNess !!one of my greatest fear....T.T

Anyway , 2011 has been one of my BUSIEST year i've ever had !!!!

1. Been to KL for the first time with my girls.    actual post here


I have always wanted to go for a vacation with my besties a long time ago but it always end up failing anyway...And the 1st success was at January 2011..I went right after finishing my part time job at YoungSu Ice Cream....I was still wearing glasses that time... haha

2. I've started to wear contact lenses.

Its actually one of my big move of changing myself...which was totally a must !! It is so much convenience without glasses !!!

3. Work at Pets Passions

A pet shop located in Premier 101.. It was one of my best job ever..Dogs , colleagues , everything there really given me alotsa memories.. But too bad i had to leave because of my practical !! >

4. Went to college.

College was a big step for someone like me t...It was fun yet busy..assignment never stop make me stressed..

5.Had Practical at Grand Margherita Hotel .

I did a few post back thr. And the good news is ...I finished my Practical !!!!!! Oh yeah I left HOUSEKEEPING !!!!! * fireworks *
The last day was damn packed...I worked housekeeping at 8 in the morning, havin 38 rooms !! Then start work part time banquet from 6pm till 10pm... Then went to BCCK for the countdown and had fun... Then went to frens house for sleepover ...Busy day !! but me like it <3

6.I started to spent alot .

When i started to have income.. I started to spent because i think i should spoilt myself abit for working so hard.. But end up spending alotsa money ><

7. Started to wear formal !

Spot me! haha. it is compulsory for me to wear coat, black heel, hair bun..etc...I refuses alot at first .. But i started to liked it more and more now....

8. Had my driving license

Although driving gives freedom sometimes... But its is tiring also ><

9. Love my girls more and more.
Love them . They have given me alot of support actually throughout this year.. maybe then din realize it but i really thank and love them alot !!

10. First time joined X'mas party and New Year's Countdown

Fun nites!! Will update soon i get the photos !!

Conclusion is...

Happy New Year Everyone !!!!!!!!!!
