# Back to housekeeping for one day... It was torture.......spot the vacuum at the back =P
It's a normal thing for me to have no new post in my blog for months, well, yeah, guess i'm busy AGAIN.
Sometimes i think it might be an excuse for me to be lazy to blog because no matter how busy I am I still have time for FB and dramas. So seek to my FB for more updates instead LOL... But sure I will try to blog often =)
Since last sem I said I was busy fro school and work at the same time. Well, its true.. But the thing that i thought I will be more free once i had my holiday and practical after that, Somehow, i was wrong...
I'm now working 7 days a week, 2 jobs at a time now... Having my practical 6 days a week with one off day, and i went working at the pet shop during that off day...
Okay, starting from last month I've went for my practical at Grand Margherita Hotel, which was the same as last year... This time its more to admin site except for Front Office, where I'm at right now... Actually i wanted to upload the photos but I have no idea why it can't be upload.. so maybe i'll try next time =))
Ooh, not forget to mention, I've joined in a flash mob held in Spring last month for Commonwealth Edu Fair if not mistaken. The funny thing about this event is it was actually organised by my school, but as a student , i dun knw about it even I've already rehearse for like a month.. I went back to Street Shock DS for practice, miss dancing alot so eventually had a great time. I've even had a chance to dance at the carpark of my school at night, AND rehearse at Spring during late night, imagine that the dancers are all around in an empty mall during midnight.. it was cool though..
Not much Pics i had so here goes the group photos for that day after the mob.
Alotsa kuching dancers participated so it was a great experience !!
Alright, its drama time, I'm watching Innocent Man recently..
Song Joong Ki is just way too cute !! Everyone will be in love with Kang Maru i guess .. hahaha..
tata, gotta finish ep 17...=P
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