Saturday, September 20, 2014

There is someone I think I shall find, someone worth the grab.



这城市也许没那么繁华, 没地方可去, 没地方好玩, 到处给人的印象只是一堆住在树上的人们的区域。可是我依然还是太爱这个地方了。果然啊 家是永远的温暖 。

混着混着, 两个礼拜快过了。后天就要回去那个地方了, 心里是多么的不舍, 但是还是得面对着残酷的现实。 只能说时间不够, 我还有很多事, 很多人没见到呢 。。。

今天感触了一下, 突然想要当起个部落客写写文章。有时候总觉得, 部落格这东西还蛮不错的。感觉上对我来说它就是个洞, 一个让我写下一堆莫名其妙人事物的洞, 一个让我抒发没办法在外面的世界抒发的情绪, 心情, 想法。也不需要太多人的关心,毕竟我的部落格并不是那么的曝光, 只有些知己才知道这儿的存在。

有时候当我不了解自己的时候, 可以稍微的在这里寻找些答案。

我自己倒是常在想, 我有什么是我想要抛开, 却始终还抛不开的?


一, 坚强

坚强有时候是一种扶持,脆弱依然存在, 只是当下它会成为你的扶梯, 让你站高一些去呼吸些空气, 让你生存下去。如果我有机会我并不想坚强, 我要的是依靠。


这是我刚发现的自己。自己常会说些违背心里意愿的话。有时是敷衍, 有时是纯粹配合,但对我来说我真的很不喜欢这种方式与人相处。 能的话谁不想用真心去交流, 但是这世界就是那么复杂,有些人根本不值得用真心对待。


本身我是个喜欢宁静的人, 但是又喜欢生活中那忙碌热闹的气氛。我喜欢酸辣,但有时候却想要清淡。我的人生就是一直处在 选择的两边 纠结中。

还真是复杂, 唉。。

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I don't know how to start this but i might say, I'm HAPPY =)

I'm going back home pretty soon and all i need to do now is to wait for that happy day to come as i already finished my finals teeheee. After coming to KL, i realized that there are so many difference with my life back then in Kuching. I mean literally, i get to wake up in my bed with air-con having my own bath room a few steps away and able to go downstairs read newspapers and discover what to eat for breakfast, LIFE.

Now, in KL, basically everyday without class i get to sleep till noon, which is skipping breakfast or probably lunch, have to queue for toilet for shower and yet no newspaper for the day cause nobody seems to care about the news though. Laptop will always be our best friend and tv is the another. I don't know what to call this life.

Today, i watched the Fault In Our Stars that i've missed due to my hectic schedule, like finallaaayyy.

Its been some time since my last romance movie, and i kinda like it. It might not be the happily ever after kind but it show no lesser love.


at least it quotes something that pictures life. reality kinda life..
